About me

Marco Turini, an artist from Pontedera,nera Pisa, got his interest in comics through his father, who was a letterer on the famous 'Tex' series. He began his career in the early 1990s, drawing for the Boomerang fanzine, and for the daily Il Tirreno. Since the mid-1990s, he is a regular contributor of stories to the Selen review of the 3ntini publishing house, either on his own scripts or in cooperation with Alessio Schreiner. He has also done 'Santiago', 'Samuel Sand' and cover illustrations for Star Comics. Turini has additionally cooperated with Fantagraphics, Avatar Press, Eura Ed. as well as the daily Il Centro and Corriere di Bilt. His 'Elio e Luna' series appeared in dailies like La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino and Il Giorno.
Launched the character 'Claudia Poe' on the internet (through Lycos), but she has subsequently appeared in dailies like Il Tirreno, La Nazione, Quotiano.net and Il Centro, on radio, television (local TV and MTV) and in a comic book called 'I Sogni di Claudia' (Titivillus edizioni, 2002). In recent years, he has drawn for Miss Italia, Sesso Alieno ( Coniglio ed.) and Blue.
Currently draws for Marvel Comics ( Squadron Supreme and Marvel Comics Present ).